

Monday, October 23, 2017


SCHOOL NEWS: New director, Amy Jett, has started. Please let her know if you need anything!
Upcoming Events & Reminders

  • NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 27; this is a teacher work day.
  • FALL CELEBRATION: Monday, October 30! Students may wear a costume; please be aware that the costume must not be scary, no extra props (swords, accessories, etc.) and child must be able to use the restroom with costume on. Parents and younger siblings are invited to attend the celebration fun at 11:00am!
This week’s Theme:Pumpkins
Scripture of the week:
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” -Psalm 24:1
2-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:

  • I can learn our new "God Loves Me" song.
  • I can learn our "5 Little Pumpkins" finger play.
  • I can identify basic shapes using our pumpkin matching game.
  • I can use my senses when making our pumpkin moon sand.
  • I can begin to understand simple rules and the purpose they serve.
  • I can use a variety of media to create different arts and crafts.
  • I can use hand-eye coordination and hit small pegs with a hammer into pumpkins.
  • I can follow simple routines each day.

Bible Stories This Week:
We are learning our new "God Loves Me" song taught to us by Pastor Groth.

Things to Practice at Home:
  • If you are carving a pumpkin, discuss all of the senses you use. Ask them what it feels like, what it smells like, etc.

3-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:

  • I can celebrate God's love in listening to his word and practice good stewardship with time, talents and treasures.
  • I can take turns in listening to others, answer questions and communicate ideas
  • I can recognize days of the week, dates and months
  • I can experiment with weights
  • I can identify the four seasons, and decide what is appropriate clothing to wear
  • I can follow rules in the chapel and classroom
  • I can help make decisions in the classroom
  • I can appreciate music
  • I can identify colors, texture by sight and touch
  • I can perform hand eye coordination
  • I can express my feelings, share in a group setting and be independent

Bible Stories This Week:
Pumpkin Prayer

Things to Practice at Home:
  • Visit a pumpkin patch and compare the sizes, shapes, colors, textures, and heaviness of the pumpkins.
4-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can believe that God hears and answers prayers.
  • I can learn "pumpkin prayers".
  • I can investigate, describe, and record my observations of a pumpkin.
  • I can recite "Five Little Pumpkins" with my class.
  • I can perform an action rhyme called "Pumpkin, Pumpkin".
  • I can identify and form the letter Uu.
  • I can match sets to numbers and order numbers 1-10 (+)
  • I can trace/write numbers 1-20.
  • I can create a various pumpkin/jack-o-lantern art.
  • I can listen to and "read" various books about pumpkins.
  • I can discover where and how a pumpkin grows.
  • I can work with my peers to bake and eat pumpkin muffins.
  • I can discuss the nutritional value of pumpkin.

Bible Stories This Week:
Believe that God hears and answers prayers. We will be learning the "Pumpkin Prayer" and learning how "Being a Christian is Like Being a Pumpkin" (copies of both of these prayers/teaching will be sent home with each student).

Things to Practice at Home:

Practice finding objects that start with the letter G in your home.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Learning About Insects

This week’s Theme: Insects
Scripture of the week
And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, according to its kind.” And it was so.
-Genesis 1:24
2-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:

  • I can take care of God's world, and all of the creatures on it.
    I can learn our spider song.
    I can see the differences in our bug collection.
    I can explore our sensory table with a variety of tools.
    I can follow simple directions.
    I can compare and contrast my own creations with those of others.
    I can dig in the sensory table to find bugs. I can also pour ingredients for our snack on Friday.
    I can take turns while playing with the toys in our sensory table.

Bible Stories This Week:
We will learn that God created the insects and we need to take care of their homes as well as ours.

Things to Practice at Home:
  • Walk around outside and look for different types of insects living there.

File:Jan van Kessel (I) - A still life study of insects on a sprig ...
3-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:

  • I can care for God's Creation
    I can retell a story
    I can tell what activity comes first and what follows in sequence
    I can count
    I can describe the stages of life
    I can use scientific tools
    I can follow simple directions and rules and understand the need for them and what consequences of not following them
    I can use different tools to make art creations
    I can sing along to familiar songs
    I can perform fine motor tasks using hand eye coordination
    I can engage in cooperative play by sharing space, materials, conversation and ideas

Bible Stories This Week:
Strong and Steady, Over and Over, God's Promise, A Clean Heart and Lots of Prayers

Things to Practice at Home:
4-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can pray with my peers and on my own.
    I can understand book conventions while reading books on insects.
    I can ask and answer questions and make comments about printed material.
    I can comment on character and setting and make predictions about what will happen next.
    I can discover that characters in stories are not just people (in this case, insects).
    I can listen to and respond to various reading materials with interest and enjoyment.
    I can draw meaning from pictures, print and text.
    I can count with one-to-one correspondence.
    I can recognize and describe shapes and spatial relationships.
    I can compare objects using the attribute of length.
    I can measure using standard and non-standard units.
    I can collect, describe and record information through a variety of means.
    I can make and verify predictions based on past experiences.
    I can observe and describe insects as they go through life cycles.
    I can share information through dictation and drawings.
    I can take part in classroom discussions and respectfully listen to others.
    I can develop and use vocabulary words when describing insects.
    I can sing new songs and appreciate new music.
    I can use different colors, textures, surfaces and shapes to create form and meaning.
    I can express opinions and preferences about art with simple explanations of why.
    I can perform a variety of large and fine motor skills with control and balance.
    I can identify and use a variety of spatial relationships with objects.
    I can demonstrate and eagerness and curiosity to learn and discuss a range of topics (lives of multiple insects).
    I can make plans and follow through.
    I can respect the rights of myself and others.

Bible Stories This Week:
Praying with peers and on his/her own. We will recite the Lord's Prayer, sing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" and read the corresponding book, and complete a variety of prayer prompts.

Things to Practice at Home:

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Upcoming Events & Reminders
  • Picture day will be held next Wednesday, October 18th. Please remember to send your student in the clothes you want them to wear for their picture. The teachers will not schedule any messy activities.
This week’s Theme: Space
Scripture of the week
The day is yours, and yours also the night;
   you established the sun and moon.--Psalm 74:16
2-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:

  • I can learn that God created the planets and the stars
  • I can learn to look and read books left to right
  • I can count how many planets we have in sequence
  • I can name different object we see in the day and night sky
  • I can learn about different activities we do during the day and night
  • I can learn our new planets song
  • I can use hand-eye coordination to place star stickers on our constellation and night pictures
  • I can participate during calendar time and our daily class routines  

Bible Stories This Week:
God created day and night.

Things to Practice at Home:
  • Help your child learn to sit at the table while eating.
  • Teach them to say “please” and “thank you.
  • Talk about different things we see in the sky during the day and night. What is different?
3-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can believe God created heaven and earth
  • I can observe and gain information
  • I can recognize and describe shapes and spatial relationships
  • I can use senses to explore, observe and gather knowledge of materials and natural phenomena
  • I can discuss identify various natural features
  • I can mix colors to create new colors
  • I can follow simple rules for games and activities
  • I can share and take turns
Things to Practice at Home:
  • Practice finding E's
4-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can realize that God created the heavens and earth.
  • I can recognize the letters of the alphabet (upper and lowercase).
  • I can recognize and write my own name.
  • I can recognize that each letter in the alphabet has its own sound.
  • I can observe to gain information and understanding.
  • I can recognize and describe shapes and spatial relationships.
  • I can recognize, duplicate, extend and create AAB patterns.
  • I can experiment with volume of water.
  • I can learn about recycling as a means for caring about God's earth.
  • I can express wonder and ask questions about the world.
  • I can engage in activities that build an understanding of words related to direction, location, and distance.
  • I can sing along to songs and appreciate different types of music.
  • I can name and identify colors.
  • I can use a variety of art materials.
  • I can follow rules for games and activities.
  • I can show an increase in flexibility, strength and hand-eye coordination using small muscles.
  • I can use my dominate hand and proper pencil grip.
  • I can engage in cooperative play by sharing materials, space, conversation, and ideas.
  • I can take turns.

Bible Stories:
God created heaven and earth

Things to Practice at Home:
  • Look for and write the letter Tt.
  • Play "Simon Says" using positional words (over/under, behind/in front of, beside/next to, right/left).