Theme: 5 Senses
Bible Verse for the week: But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears
for they hear. --Matthew
Using our five senses strengthens our everyday
experiences. It helps us understand the world around us.
What noises did you hear?
What is it you saw?
What did it smell like?
Did you like the taste?
How did it feel?
I can learn about the 5 senses and what they do.
I can dictate something for an adult to write.
I can identify and use my 5 senses during various activities.
I can explore sound when listening to different types of music.
I can produce 2 and 3 dimensional art.
I can identify the form and sound of the letter M.
I can help the teacher prepare for snack.
I can share with others.
I can repeat and create rhythmic sound patterns.
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