

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Saying Sorry, Positive Discipline

From the Teachers:
September 26-30
This week we were visited by Mr. D from Letter land.  Students learned his letter sound and came up with many words that start with the letter D.  We participated in the St. Jude Trike-a-thon on Wednesday.  Students had a great time, and learned the safety rules for riding their bikes.  Parents please remind your student to always wear their helmet when riding their bike, always use caution at driveways, and never ride their bikes in the road.  We also talked to students about being safe around strangers.  They learned that a stranger is someone they don't know, and they should not talk to strangers unless mom or dad say it is okay!  

Please be reminded that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 30.  We will be conducting Parent Teacher conferences.  Please sign up for a time in the front hall if you have not done so already. 

We hope that you will join us for our Spaghetti dinner on Friday evening from 6-8 p.m.  

We would like to remind parents that school drop off begins at 8:30 a.m.  We would like to have all students in the building no later than 8:45 a.m.  

Happy Birthday to Shaurav Kailash, he will celebrate his birthday on Friday September 30!  

Also Congratulations to Avanitha Adithan in our 2 year old classroom on the birth of her baby brother!

Congratulations to Anakin Cocke on the birth of his sister!  

Check out and LIKE our Facebook post for pictures/videos of this week’s activities.

Curriculum Calendar
An electronic version of the Curriculum Calendar is available at:

Follow our Google Calendar at:

Preschool age children are still developing their sense of right and wrong in almost every action they take. They are testing limits, exploring their environment, and discovering how to get along with others. Preschool age children are cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically developing their sense of right and wrong in just about every thing they do. It is when developmental understanding is present that young children are now ready to live by a set of formal expectations/rules that come with consequences.
While preschoolers learn the boundaries of their behavior towards others and towards their environment, parents and teachers can best participate by consistently and patiently communicate expectations and then consistently guide children towards making positive choices and praising them when they do! Source:
Here is a colorful celebration of fruits and vegetables by the award-winning illustrator of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. From apricots and avocados to yams and zucchini, all kinds of delicious and healthy foods are introduced to children. A glossary with information on where each item is grown and how it is usually eaten is included at the end of the book.

Buy it at Scholastic at:

Remember to Sign up for your Parent Conference!
Friday, September 30 -  
    Parent Conferences 1 to 5:30 p.m.
Email teachers at:

Friday, September 30
    LSL Family Spaghetti Dinner 6:00 p.m.
Get your reservation turned in!
Get the Spaghetti Dinner flyer and Reservation form here:

 Your preschooler whacks her playmate but doesn't think to say she's sorry, even when her pal starts crying. So does this mean you're raising a psycho? Not at all -- she's a normal preschooler who doesn't realize that other people have feelings, too. "Because preschoolers are still egocentric, they don't fully understand that their behavior can hurt another person," says Michele Nealon-Woods, a psychologist in Los Angeles. Teaching the art of apology helps younger children realize what it's like to stand in someone else's shoes—empathy, in other words. Some easy ways to go about this:
  • Set a good example. When you owe your child an apology, look at her eye to eye and keep a serious expression on your face. This will get her attention and emphasize the importance of what you're saying, and she may begin to imitate you when she upsets someone.
  • Put her feelings into words. Offer a guess about how she felt when you lost your cool and snapped at her ("You were probably scared when I yelled at you"). By considering her emotions, you're demonstrating empathy.
  • Ask for specifics. If she needs to apologize, have her say what she's sorry about and why ("I hit Wally, and that made him sad"). She'll start to see cause and effect and realize that her actions can actually have a negative impact on people.
Find a devotion, verse, and prayer at:

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.—                      Colossians 1:13-14

A Song to Sing:
O How I Love Jesus 
O, how I love Jesus
O, how I love Jesus
O, how I love Jesus
Because He first loved me!

Here is a resource for teaching discipline in a loving, positive way:

Bible Story History Lessons
Stories told from the My Bible Storybook by  Micahel Burghof
September 26 Joshua 3-4:18
Crossing the Jordan
God promised the people of Israel a “Promised Land” where they could make their homes. But before they could arrive -- there was another body of water to cross. It was called the Jordan River.  Joshua was now the leader and he assured the people that the Lord their God would be with them wherever they went. He told them to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid and to not be discouraged. Again, God went before the people, this time in the “Ark of the Covenant.” As soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan, the water from upstream stopped flowing. The people were able to cross over onto dry land. The priests gathered stones from the river and made a memorial to mark that miracle of God.
September 27 – Joshua 6
Walls Fall Down
God brought the Israelites into the “Promised Land,” but it was inhabited by others. There was a city of Jericho that was fortified with thick and strong city walls. The Israelites did not know how they were going to get through those walls. God gave them a way. God told Joshua to tell the priests to march around the city every day for 6 days. Then, on the seventh day, God told the Israelite priests to blow their trumpets and at the same time have the people shout as loud as they could. And all at once, the city walls of Jericho tumbled down! God kept His promise and the people entered Jericho and inherited the land.
September 28Judges 4:1-16, 5:4, 20-21
Deborah Obeys God
The Israelites began to worship Canaanite gods and not follow God’s ways even after living in the promised land. They became lazy and their land began to slip away to others. Deborah, a prophetess was leading Israel at the time and she sent for Barak to lead the Israelite army back into battle. Barak asked that Deborah go with him into battle and with the help of God they won!
September 29Ruth 1-2
Ruth Loves Naomi
Naomi was a widow who also had 2 sons that died. She still had her daughter-in-law’s. But because of a drought and lack of food she sent her daughter-in-law’s away so that they could find food to eat in another place. Her daughter-in-law Ruth, however, did not want to leave Naomi and asked to live with her. The 2 of them  traveled together to Bethlehem. Each day Ruth would go out into the harvest fields and picked up whatever was leftover and took it back to Naomi. Naomi met Boaz the owner of one of the fields and he noticed what kindness she showed to her mother-in-law. Boaz told Ruth that she could pick the grain with the other workers. God continued to grow the friendship and love of Boaz and Ruth and they were married.
Lutheran School of Lexington
425 Patchen Dr. + Lexington KY 40517
(859) 268-7787
Learning, loving, and living as God’s children.