

Monday, September 25, 2017

Community Helpers

Upcoming Events & Reminders

  • Fire fighters are visiting on Wednesday, September 27th around 10:30 a.m.
  • September tuition is due October 1
This week’s Theme: Community Helpers
Scripture of the week
The Lord is with me; he is my helper.--Psalm 118:7
2-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I realize the need for God’s love
  • I can pretend to read books
  • I can identify that an object has been added to a group
  • I can name different kinds of weather
  • I can become aware of the community around me
  • I can imitate different community helpers
  • I can climb on a stool to wash my hands
  • I can show care and concern for other children

We read from our Pray and Play Bible and talked about how God is our protector and keeps us safe.

Keep your eyes out for different community helpers

Look for firefighters, police officer, mail carriers, and others! Talk about what they do and how some of them keep us safe.
3-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can believe in the Triune, God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • I can differentiate between text and pictures
  • I can recognize days of the week, dates and months
  • I can differentiate between day and night and different activities
  • I am aware of roles of leaders in their environment
  • I can imitate and pretend to be a person or animal
  • I can demonstrate hand-eye coordination with various tools
  • I can follow simple rules, routines and directions
Discussed what a church is, who goes to a church and what the church means to the community

Thanks to Nico's parents for the 4's classroom rug and general supplies.

Practice finding C's; Practice “Please and Thank you's.”
Community Helpers.jpg
4-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can differentiate between text and pictures.
  • I can read books about various community helpers using picture clues.
  • I can recognize the days of the week, month, and date.
  • I can describe characteristics and activities of day and night.
  • I can discuss community helpers that work during the day, night, and/or both.
  • I can develop an awareness of roles of leaders in the community.
  • I can imitate and pretend to be many types of community helpers.
  • I can develop spatial awareness doing Nocturnal Animal Yoga.
  • I can demonstrate dexterity and eye-hand coordination using small muscles and a variety of tools.
  • I can identify and form the letter Ee.
  • I can show creativity during community helper art projects.
  • I can match necessary tools to specific professions.
  • I can engineer and construct buildings in small spaces.
  • I can be an active participant in shared writing Pre-K News, class poems, and prayers.
  • I can demonstrate respectful listening skills during the firefighter presentation.

Believe in the Triune God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Thursday, September 21, 2017


Thank you for everyone who participated in our flower fundraising, we even planted a few in the front of the school!  
Upcoming Events & Reminders

  • October tuition is due October 1
  • Next week’s theme is: Community helpers and there will be a firefighter visiting on Wednesday, September 27th at 10:30 am - Parents are welcome!
This week’s Theme: Safety
Scripture of the week
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.--Psalm 5:11
2-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:

  • I know that God is everyone's protector.
  • I can use different tools for crafts.
  • I can work different puzzles.
  • I can act like police officers and fire fighters.
  • I can see similarities and differences in my friends artwork and mine.
  • I can learn a new safety game.
  • I can participate in class routines and follow directions.
  • I can learn to understand rules and why we have them.

Ask your child what fire fighters do, what traffic lights are for and what # to call when they or someone is in trouble.
3-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can realize that i need a Savior
  • I can recite the letters in the alphabet
  • I can compare objects by size and shape
  • I can describe and compare basic living needs
  • I can exhibit honesty and cooperation in the classroom
  • I can use props while playing and pretending
  • I can perform fine motor tasks using hand eye coordination
  • I can help and share in a group setting

Please remember to send in smaller healthy snacks.
Please practice finding and highlighting B's

From Devotions for Preschoolers we talked about:
Feeling Tired, Planting Seeds, God’s Masterpiece, Healthy Bodies, Delight in God
4-Year-Old News
This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can discover ways to be safe in various situations (fire safety, bike safety, car safety, classroom safety, community safety, and road safety).
  • I can recognize my need for a savior.
  • I can recite the full alphabet.
  • I can write the letter Ff and identify its sound.
  • I can describe and compare basic needs of living things.
  • I can sort and graph living and nonliving object pictures.
  • I can define what a flower needs to grow.
  • I can create fire art and family tree art.
  • I can pretend and use my imagination using props in the classroom.
  • I can compare objects by multiple attributes.
  • I can perform fine motor tasks using hand/eye coordination.
  • I can demonstrate respect to others by sharing and cooperating.
  • I can exhibit honesty, responsibility, and problem solving with peers and adults.
  • I can participate in shared writing.

Please send a family photo to school with your child by Thursday, September 21.
If possible, please label the back with family member's names.
Firefighters to visit on September 27.

Discuss ways to be safe. Look around the community and identify what is living and nonliving. How do you know? Come up with a list of words that start with the letter Ff.

We discussed how God is our savior and He forgives us for our sins. Discussion on making right and wrong choices. Instructions on how to pray for forgiveness of sins. Bible stories from the daily bible book.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Weekly Newsletter
Week of September 11, 2017
Beautiful Mums are being offered as a fundraiser for the school. There are 2 sizes:
8 inch and 10 inch. The cost is $9.00 for the 8 inch and $18.00 for the 10 inch. They come in 5 colors: Yellow, Red, White, Lavender, and Bronze. Please place your orders with the teachers (order forms available by back door). Make your checks payable to:
Lutheran School of Lexington (LSL). Orders are due by September 15th. Thanks for supporting your child’s school!
HIRING OF NEW DIRECTOR: We are in the process of hiring a new school director as a result of the sudden resignation of our former director. Please direct any questions to your child’s teacher. Thank you for patience and prayers in this time of transition.
This week’s Theme: Books by Eric Carle
Eric Carle Hungry Caterpillar.jpg
Scripture of the week:
Haven’t you read this passage of Scripture:
“‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone--Mark 12:10
2-Year-Old News
Please remember that mum orders are due on Friday, September 15 and orders will arrive on Tuesday, September 19.

THINGS TO DO AT HOME: Look for caterpillars around your house. Look for butterflies and talk about how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.

2-Year-Old News:This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can throw and catch a ball.
  • I can learn to use a glue stick.
  • I will communicate with my friends and teacher.
  • I can look at Eric Carle books while my teacher reads to me.
  • I can feed our caterpillar by tossing food in its mouth (bucket).
  • I understand that God created all of the creatures on Earth.
  • I can count how many dots I glue onto my ladybug.
  • I can learn to use my inside voice.
3-Year-Old News
Mums Orders and payment due Friday Sept 15.
Mum Delivery on Tuesday 19th Sept

Great turn out for the Family Cultural Night, it was great to see everyone and share some delicious food!

Practice finding A's, highlight, use stickers, color.

3-Year-Old News: This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can recognize basic book parts
  • I can count
  • I can explore sunlight and shadows
  • I can differentiate between past present and future
  • I can move and dance
  • I can identify body parts and their functions
  • I can discuss a range of topics and ideas
  • I can understand that God created me and loves me
4-Year-Old News
Scholastic Book Orders will soon be available to parents. More information to come.

  • Check out Eric Carle books at the library and find the letter Ll in various books. Make shadows and discover what happens to the shadow and the person or object moves and changes shape.

This week we are learning the following objectives:
  • I can understand that God created us and knows we are special.
  • I can define the parts of a book (title, author, illustrator, front cover, back cover, spine).
  • I can appreciate Eric Carle's style of writing and illustrations.
  • I can make an Eric Carle inspired painting of a butterfly using symmetry.
  • I can count the days of the month and how many days of school.
  • I can sing, dance, move, and identify parts of my body.
  • I can explore sunlight and shadows.
  • I can identify what is needed to make a shadow.
  • I can compare and contrast shadows and reflections.
  • I can write the letters in my name and place them in order.
  • I can form and identify the sound of letter Ll.
  • I can participate in shared writing.
  • I can differentiate between past, present, and future.
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Learning, loving and living as God’s Children.
425 Patchen Dr. + Lexington KY 40517  + (859) 268-7787