

Monday, February 5, 2018

Five Senses

Theme: 5 Senses

Bible Verse for the week:  But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears for they hear. --Matthew 13:16

Using our five senses strengthens our everyday experiences. It helps us understand the world around us.
·         What noises did you hear?
·         What is it you saw?
·         What did it smell like?
·         Did you like the taste?
·         How did it feel?

I can learn about the 5 senses and what they do.
I can dictate something for an adult to write.
I can identify and use my 5 senses during various activities.
I can explore sound when listening to different types of music.
I can produce 2 and 3 dimensional art.
I can identify the form and sound of the letter M.
 I can help the teacher prepare for snack.
I can share with others.
I can repeat and create rhythmic sound patterns.

Donuts with Dads
Celebrating Our Special Guys!
Friday Feb. 9
Morning Drop Off
Dad’s (or any special friend) are invited to come enjoy donuts with their child during morning drop off on Friday, Feb. 9th

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