

Monday, March 5, 2018

Multicultural Week

Theme: Multicultural Week

Verse: From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth.  Acts 17:26

Major Learning Objectives:
I can recognize different characteristics of our friends.
I can listen and dance to music from around the world.
I can explore different art materials.
I can draw a picture of my family.
I can use a simple map.
I can know that diversity exists in the world.
I can learn that diversity exists in the world and see similarities and differences as natural and positive.
I can understand that God created all people to be unique and important.
I can participate in activities that are representative of many cultures around the world.

RESOURCE: Teach and help your children discover different places, people and cultures around the world. Here are some suggested resources: 
1. Read books about other places.
2. Explore maps and a world globe together.
3. Make foods representative of different countries.
4. Listen to music from around the world.

Website Resource 

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